Memories Sweet Memories

In the background right now I hear the innocent laughter of 7 girls having a sleep over for Hโ€™s 10th birthday. It brings back oh so many memories of simpler times. Back when we were between the ages of 10 and 13 and me and my friends giggled until the wee hours of the morning. When the hardest decision to make was how we were going to wear our hair that day and what boy we should prank call.

My friends and I had so much fun chatting and giggling during these times. But then time changed all that. We started growing up. Some of us moved away. We went to college, started jobs, got married and then began our own families. Life changed for many of us, in ways we would not have ever guessed. The plans we made then found their ways into the backs of our minds and some even forgotten.

A night like this brings a lot of those things back to me and these are the moments that I enjoy the sweet memories of those days gone by.